Museum of Soviet Calculators

15 10 2007

Not too long ago I posted about the 40th anniversary of the first handheld calculator and now lo and behold the Museum of Soviet Calculators. The website has a wide array of images and information about calculators constructed in the Soviet Union like the one below which is the first programmable calculator constricted in the Soviet Union. Check it out at the following URL:

Hand Held Calculator Turns 40

28 09 2007


Geeks of the world rejoice and celebrate – the hand held calculator is 40 years old now and it was invented by Texas Instruments, a name which is familiar to most Engineering and Computer Science students. This was another important milestone in the history of computing and some would argue us slackers but I would defend those scientists and engineers who worked in slackerization (is that a word?) of culture. Imagine how would you have survived in those engineering classes without the awesome device known as the calculator.