Aşık Veysel

26 11 2007


Many Jahandosts lived in this world for thousands of years. Many of them left this world without notice while some others left their mark in this world through stories, poems or songs.

Aşık Veysel (lover Veysel (see Ishq)) was one of them and he became a great source of inspiration for a music genre called Anatolian Rock, where famous Turkish singers like Barış Manço, Cem Karaca and the group Moğollar (Moghuls) thrived.

Here is a video about his famous song (Uzun ince bir yol, “a long narrow path” (see below for lyrics)

Following are few lyrics from Aşık Veysel which address to our hearts (the first one is attempted to be translated by me)

I cannot explain my grief to a person without grief

I cannot explain my grief to a person without grief
The one who does not suffer does not appreciate the value of suffering
I did not know that my grief was also my remedy
A rose can never be without thorn

May the friends remember me

After I pass, my name remains
May the friends remember me
Weddings happen, holidays come
May the friends remember me

Soul flies from the cage
World is an inn, settlers depart
The moon wanders, years go by
May the friends remember me

Body will be deprived of life
Hearth won’t burn, smoke won’t rise
By armfuls, salutes I pass
May the friends remember me

Many blooms thrive and fade
Who had laughed, who’ll be glad
Desire’s lie, real is death
May the friends remember me

Into evening will turn the days
Behold what soon will take place
Veysel departs, his name remains
May the friends remember me

Long Narrow Path

I’m on a long, narrow path
I’m walking on, day and night.
I’ve lost my sense of self.
I’m walking on, day and night,
Day and night, day and night,
Day and night.

Ever since the moment I came into this world,
I was walking from the very beginning.
In a caravansary with only two doors.
I’m walking on, day and night,
Day and night, day and night,
Day and night.

In a caravansary with only two doors.
I’m walking on, day and night,
Day and night, day and night,
Day and night.

When contemplated deeply,
It seems far away, when looked at.
The road is but a minute long.
I’m walking on, day and night,
Day and night, day and night,
Day and night.

The road is but a minute long.
I’m walking on, day and night,
Day and night, day and night,
Day and night.

Veysel is confused in this state,
Sometimes crying, sometimes laughing,
On the road to reach my destination.
I’m walking on, day and night,
Day and night, day and night,
Day and night.

On the road to reach my destination.
I’m walking on, day and night,
Day and night, day and night,
Day and night.



3 responses

1 12 2007

Deep lyrics! I did’nt know about this guy or anatolian rock either. I especially like and can relate to the first poem/lyric-i can not explain my grief to a person without no grief. Good post Jahandost!

5 12 2007

The First one is so touchy and beauiful.

26 12 2007

Abdul, the post was by tauslu and not be me. 🙂

Tauslu, how come you never mentioned Asik Veysel to me?

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